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The Vega LoRa2TCP application is intended for transparent data exchange betweeen metering devices, connected to SI-13 via RS-485/232, and external apps through Vega LoRaWAN® network. Vega LoRa2TCP is connected to IOT Vega Server through API and listen a number of TCP ports, each of which corresponds to a specific SI-13 LoRaWAN® end-device. All data, arriving to TCP port from external app is transferred to metering device through LoRaWAN® network and SI-13. The metering device answer is transferred in the reverse order to the external application. This solution makes Vega LoRaWAN® network a transparent last mile to metering devices, and any application, capable to communicate with meters through TCP-IP, now can be connected.


  • Transparent data exchange between external app and meters
  • Configured packet size
  • Multiply SI-13 can be connected at the same time