Joint development with our partner OOO Advantum - software and hardware complex for automated control of temperature indicators inside refrigerating chambers, in warehouses and in other premises.
Learn moreMonitoring of work conditions
Monitoring of the work conditions in the rooms based on the LoRaWAN technology

Vega Smart product line for environment monitoring includes all sensors needed for controlling the conditions in offices, trade areas and store rooms.
Learn moreRefrigeration unit monitoring
Refrigeration unit monitoring

Solution for the automation of refrigeration unit is fully implemented based on gateways and end devices manufactured by Vega-Absolute.
Learn moreShopping mall automatization
Shopping mall automatization

The solution describes a real project of our partner NEKTA to automate energy accounting in a shopping and entertainment center.
Learn moreThermoFleet for retail
ThermoFleet for retail

Joint development with our partner OOO Advantum - a software and hardware complex for automated control over the temperature of transportation, the operation of refrigeration units, as well as monitoring the condition of vehicles.
Learn morePersonnel monitoring system based on LoRaWAN® technology
Personnel monitoring system based on LoRaWAN® technology

Joint development with our partner AirBit LLC - a personnel monitoring system based on LoRaWAN® technology.
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