Our partner TIUS OOO together with PLCSystems OOO successfully implemented a project for wireless automated monitoring of pumps at the railway section for receiving oil products at the Paveltsevskaya oil depot site (Dolgoprudny) of Gazpromneft-Terminal AO. This solution was built on the basis of our equipment, using Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies.
Telemetry of pumping equipment at the tank farm allows to get equipment operation status promptly and encrease work efficiency.
Telemetry of dynamic tank farm equipment
IIoT-solution for telemetry of dynamic equipment of the tank farm of Gazpromneft-Terminal AO

Monitoring of vibration and temperature parameters in the rolling mill manufacture
Wireless automated monitoring of vibration and temperature parameters at the section of rolling tables of a rolling mill of a sheet-rolling manufacture on the example of «Severstal».

Our partner TIUS OOO together with PLCSystems OOO successfully implemented a project for wireless automated monitoring of vibration and temperature parameters at the section of the rolling tables of the rolling mill of the sheet-rolling workshop of «Severstal». This solution was built on our equipment, using the technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the LoRaParsing parsing module for LoRaWAN® networks developed by «PLCSystems».
Learn moreDeployment of a LoRaWAN local network at a metallurgical plant
Deployment of a LoRaWAN local network at a metallurgical plant

LoRaWAN® local network deployment project for the Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works (PJSC Severstal) using equipment manufactured by Vega-Absolut OOO.
Learn moreVibration and temperature monitoring system
IIoT vibration and temperature monitoring system NTA-4 PAO Severstal

The project of wireless automated monitoring of vibration parameters and temperature of bearings of electric motors, gearboxes and rollers of the NTA-4 unit.
Learn moreThe project of wireless monitoring of the temperature of permafrost soils
Deployment of a wireless system of thermometric monitoring stations for permafrost soils

The project for the deployment of a network for wireless monitoring of the temperature of permafrost soils.
Learn moreUtility monitoring
Utility monitoring

The solution for automating data collection from heat meters based on Vega-Absolute equipment was successfully implemented by our partner NEKTA together with OOO 'SIBAY-SERVICE' for the management company of the city of Sibay.
Learn moreWireless energy metering and compressor monitoring system
IIoT system for wireless energy metering and monitoring of compressors, dispatching of thermal units using LoRaWAN® technology

Our partner TIUS together with PLC Systems successfully implemented a comprehensive project for the dispatching of thermal units, as well as wireless automated energy metering and monitoring of compressor units at the site of the Biosintez PJSC plant. Part of the project in terms of energy metering and monitoring of compressors was carried out on the basis of our equipment using Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies and the LoRaParsing parsing module for LoRaWAN® networks developed by PLCSystems OOO.
Learn moreTemperature control of beets in piles
Temperature control of beets in piles

A project to deploy and configure a LoRaWAN® local network for the Chishminsky sugar plant using equipment manufactured by Vega-Absolut OOO. Implementation of remote temperature control of beets in piles.
Learn moreRemote control of heating networks
Operational remote control system for heating networks based on end-to-end LoRaWAN technology

As part of a regional project, our partner TatAISEnergo LLC has deployed a LoRaWAN data transmission network, consisting of 138 base stations and covering 502 controlled sections of the heating network.
Learn moreDigital oil field
Digital oil field

Our partners LLC NEKTA, using equipment manufactured by LLC Vega-Absolut, implemented a software solution for monitoring the operation of wells, including their flow rate.
Learn moreGeolocation by LoRaWAN base stations® technology
Geolocation by LoRaWAN base stations® technology

Joint development with our partner AirBit LLC - a geolocation determination system based on LoRaWAN® technology.
Learn moreThermoFleet for stationary objects
ThermoFleet for stationary objects

Joint development with our partner OOO Advantum - software and hardware complex for automated control of temperature indicators inside refrigerating chambers, in warehouses and in other premises.
Learn moreMonitoring of work conditions
Monitoring of the work conditions in the rooms based on the LoRaWAN technology

Vega Smart product line for environment monitoring includes all sensors needed for controlling the conditions in offices, trade areas and store rooms.
Learn moreRefrigeration unit monitoring
Refrigeration unit monitoring

Solution for the automation of refrigeration unit is fully implemented based on gateways and end devices manufactured by Vega-Absolute.
Learn moreShopping mall automatization
Shopping mall automatization

The solution describes a real project of our partner NEKTA to automate energy accounting in a shopping and entertainment center.
Learn moreThermoFleet for retail
ThermoFleet for retail

Joint development with our partner OOO Advantum - a software and hardware complex for automated control over the temperature of transportation, the operation of refrigeration units, as well as monitoring the condition of vehicles.
Learn morePersonnel monitoring system based on LoRaWAN® technology
Personnel monitoring system based on LoRaWAN® technology

Joint development with our partner AirBit LLC - a personnel monitoring system based on LoRaWAN® technology.
Learn moreMonitoring of personnel and equipment
Monitoring of personnel and equipment based on the LoRaWAN technology

This solution will help in situations when equipment and staff are forced to operate out of the cellular coverage during the long time.
Learn moreAccounting of the water resources consumption
Accounting for the consumption of water resources at the agricultural complex

A common problem of all large agricultural holdings is the huge distances between objects and their remoteness from the management offices, which significantly complicates control and slows down data collection.
Learn moreIIoT system for energy efficiency control
IIoT system for energy efficiency control in lime production at rotary kilns

Our partner TIUS together with PLC Systems successfully implemented a project for wireless automated monitoring of temperature and concentration exhaust gas on rotary kilns VP 1-6, which are located on the territory of lime and dolomite shop of metallurgical plant, Severstal group of companies.
Learn more